Reports on educational and career guidance activities of the Department of Merchandising Science for 2020-2021 academic year
13.11.2020 Online educational work was carried out in the area of “Health and Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle” on the theme “Diagnostics of the state of the organism with the help of thermometers. Assortment of thermometers on the principle of action” for the curatorial group of applicants for higher education 3rd year, 9 gr. specialty” 226 Pharmacy. Organizer: Breusova S. В.
13.11.2020 . Educational work was carried out (online meetings) with the preparation of a report on the topics “On the inadmissibility of attempts to organize or directly participate in any activities or conflict manifestations in the ethnic environment” and “On the organization of anti-epidemic activities and creating conditions for the organization of the educational process in 2020/2021. “ with a curatorial group of 3 course, 9 g. specialty” 226 Pharmacy “. Conducted Breusova S. В.
On November 12, 2020, online educational work was carried out in the area of “Health and Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle” on the theme “Diagnostics of the state of the organism with the help of thermometers. Assortment of thermometers on the principle of action “ for applicants for higher education 3 year, 1 gr. FS 18 (4,0d) Med. Organizer: Breusova S. В.
09.11.2020 Online educational work was carried out in the direction of “Health and Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle” lecture “Lord of the World. Nikola Tesla ” for domestic applicants for higher education of the 3rd year, 2 groups of specialty” 226 – Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy “FS 18 (4,10d). Speaker: Zaporozhskaya S. М.
On 05.11.2020 an online conversation was held on the topic: “Psychological health during the COVID-19 pandemic and organization of anti-epidemic activities. Registration of the NFaU Student Portfolio. Current issues “ Dyadyun T.V. for the curatorial group of applicants for higher education 4 year, 6 gr. specialty “226 – Pharmacy”.
On 05.11.2020 the online educational work in the direction “Health and promotion of a healthy lifestyle” was carried out a lecture on the subject: “How to preserve your immunity?” for the curatorial group of applicants for higher education of the 3rd year, 9 gr. of specialty “226 – Pharmacy”. Organizers: Breusova S.V., Dyadyun T.V.
On 30.10.2020 online educational work was carried out in the direction “Health and promotion of a healthy lifestyle” a lecture on the topic: “Useful use of some groups of sports nutrition for the health of people who are not engaged in sports?” for domestic applicants for higher education 3 course, 1 gr. specialty “226 – Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy” FS 18 (4,0d) Med. Speaker: Breusova S. В.
28.10.2020 was held online educational work in the direction of “Health and promotion of healthy lifestyles” lecture: “Medical products” Elastic and compression products ” for domestic students of the 4th year, TPKZs 17 (5,0d) -1 gr. Speaker: Dyadyun T. V.
26.10.2020 was held online educational work in the direction of “Health and promotion of healthy lifestyles” lecture on “Compression knitwear and products made of them” for domestic students of 3rd year, SSO-1 gr. specialty “226 – Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy” FS 18 (4,0d) -1gr. Speaker: Dyadyun T. V.
Lectures for applicants for higher education of NUPh in the format “Health and promotion of healthy lifestyles”. 23.10.2020 Online lecture for domestic applicants for higher education 3 course, 1 gr. specialty “226 – Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy” FS 18 (4,0d) honey on the theme: “Useful food to maintain health.” Speaker: S. Breusova.
Lectures for applicants for higher education of NUPh on “Health and Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle”. 21.10.2020 For domestic applicants for higher education 4 years, 1 gr. of the educational program “Technology of pharmaceuticals” was held online lecture on “How to preserve your immunity”. Speaker: Breusova S. В.
16.10.2020 Professional orientation among students of Kharkov school № 151. Lecture on topic “Express test for detection of narcotic substances in the blood”. Lecturers – Dyadyun T.V., Breusova S.V.
16.10.2020 Within the framework of educational work among the applicants for higher education of the NUPh the 9th group of the 3rd year and 6th group of the 4th year of the specialty “Pharmacy” took part in the elections for the student self-government bodies. Responsible for the organization: S.V. Breusova, doc. Dyadyun T. V.
15.10.2020 an online lecture was held on the topic: “Life Awareness. Who am I? “ at the Department of Product Science for domestic applicants for higher education 5 year, 3A, 3B gr. specialty FS 16 (5,5z). Speaker: Zaporozhskaya S. М.
06.10.2020 Professional orientation among students of Kharkov school № 151
06.10.2020 Professional orientation among students of Kharkov school № 151
03.10.2020 . Lectures for applicants for higher education NUPh in the direction of moral education
30.09.2020 .Professional orientation among students of Kharkov school № 118
30.09.2020 .Professional orientation among students of Kharkov school № 151
01.10..2020 .Professional orientation among students of Kharkov school № 151
30.09.2020 .Professional orientation among students of Kharkov school № 151
28.09.2020. Lecture: “Psychological health in the period of pandemic COVID-19”. lecture delivered by psychologist NUPh Candidate of Psychology Plyaka L.V. at the Department of Commodity Science for domestic applicants for higher education 4 course, 1 gr. specialty “226 – Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy” FS 18 (4,0d). Organizer: k. Ph. n., doc. Dyadyun T. V.
28.09.2020. Lecture: “Psychological health in the period of pandemic COVID-19”. lecture delivered by psychologist NUPh Candidate of Psychology Plyaka L.V. at the Department of Commodity Science for domestic applicants for higher education 4 course, 2 gr. specialty “226 – Pharmacy, industrial pharmacy” FS 18 (4,0d). Organizer: Zaporozhskaya S. М.
Within the framework of educational work among applicants for higher education of the NUPh 25.09.2020. There was a congratulation event on the World Pharmacist’s Day in the curatorial group 9 of the 3rd year of the specialty “Pharmacy” (Ps17 (5,0d). In charge of organizing the event: Zaporozhskaya S. M., Breuseova S.V.
Within the framework of educational work among applicants for higher education of the NUPh 25.09.2020. There was a congratulation event on the World Pharmacist’s Day in the curatorial 6th group of the 4th year of the specialty “Pharmacy” (Ps17 (5,0d). In charge of organizing the event: S. Breusova.
Within the framework of educational work among applicants for higher education of the NUPh 25.09.2020. There was a congratulation event on the World Pharmacist’s Day in the 1st group of the 4th year of the specialty “Pharmacy” (Ps18 (4,0d) m). Responsible for organizing the event: S.V. Breusova.
As part of educational work among students of the NUPh 21.09.2020 at the Department of commodity science was given a lecture and a practical lesson on “Medical devices and devices for diagnosis and prevention of patients’ diseases. Tonometers, thermometers” head of the Kharkov regional office of “TPK” Ergocom ” Veprik E.V, for applicants 4 course, 2 groups of specialty” Pharmacy “.
As part of educational work among students of the NUPh 21.09.2020 at the Department of Commodity Science was given a lecture and a practical lesson on “Medical devices and devices for diagnosis and prevention of patients’ diseases. Tonometers, thermometers “ head of the Kharkov regional representative office of TIC” Ergocom “Veprik O.V.
As part of educational work among applicants for higher education of the NUPh 11.09.2020 in the Scientific Library of the NUPh together with the head of the sector of cultural – educational work of the Ukrainian S. M. visited the thematic book exhibition “Intellectual Property”. This event was attended by applicants for higher education 3rd year 1 group of specialty “Pharmacy” FS18 (4.0d) Med. Organizer: Breusova S. V., Zaporozhskaya S.M.
In the framework of educational work among applicants for higher education of the NFaU 11.09.2020 in the Scientific Library of the NUPh together with the head of the sector of cultural – educational work of the Ukrainian S. M. visited the thematic book exhibition “New arrivals” of scientific publications in the library of the NUPh. This event was attended by applicants for higher education 3rd year 1 group specialty “Pharmacy” Fs18 (4.0d) Med. Organizer: Breusova S. V., Zaporozhskaya S. Н.
07.09.2020 In the framework of “Health and promotion of a healthy lifestyle” lectures for domestic applicants of the 3rd year, 1 gr. of specialty “226 – Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy” FS 18 (4,0d) of higher education of the NFaU on the theme: “100 reasons to be happy and healthy. Speaker: Dyadyun T. V.
07.09.2020 In the framework of “Health and promotion of a healthy lifestyle” lectures were delivered for applicants for higher education of the NFaU 3rd year, 2nd gram specialty “226 – Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy” FS 18 (4,0d) on the topic: “How to preserve your immunity” Speaker: Candidate of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy, Doctor of Philosophy. Zaporozhskaya S. М.
07.09.2020 An educational event dedicated to environmental protection was held. The result of which was the involvement of applicants for higher education in environmental protection through the collection of waste batteries at a cafe and their subsequent transfer to the collection and recycling departments. Attendance of applicants for higher education of the specialty “TFP”. 4 courses of 1 grou
04.09.2020. In the framework of “Health and promotion of a healthy lifestyle” lectures for domestic applicants of the 3rd year, 1 gr. of the specialty “226 – Pharmacy, Industrial Pharmacy” FS 18 (4,0d) honey higher education of the NFaU on “How to preserve your immunity” were delivered. Speaker: C. F. n., D. Breusova S. В.
Professional orientation: The Department throughout the year held vocational work in 3 schools in Kharkov (№ 94, № 118, № 151) and in Dniprodzerjinsk Medical College. For the following year there have been prepared three lectures for students.
Prof. Baranova I. I., Head of the department took part in TV series “Wish you good health” OTB channel, Kharkov.