Areas of work

Educational work of the Department of Commodity Science

Areas of work


PhD of Pharmacy Sciences, associate professor
Breusova S. V.





Educational work of the Department of Commodity Science of the National University of Pharmacy is aimed at the comprehensive harmonious development of the future specialist of pharmacy. Numerous activities in the areas of national-patriotic, moral education and the formation of a healthy lifestyle are aimed at fulfilling this goal.

To carry out educational activities at the Department, an annual plan for educational work is made in accordance with the Strategic Development Plan of NFaU, the objectives set by the Service for Educational Work of the University and the urgent problems of students. Since the main goal of educational work should be implemented by solving certain specific tasks, in the Department of Commodity Science they are defined as:

  • Educating future professionals in the field of pharmacy authoritative, highly educated people, carriers of high general, worldview political, professional, intellectual, socio-psychological, physical, environmental culture;
  • Creation of the necessary conditions for the free development of the student, his thinking and overall culture through involvement in creative activities (research, social, health and sports, etc.)
  • Enrichment of students’ aesthetic experience through participation in the revival of forgotten and creation of new national and cultural traditions of NFaU;
  • Formation of the human-creator concept based on self-education, self-development, self-improvement;
  • Promotion of healthy lifestyles, prevention of alcohol and drug use, eradication of bad habits.

Among the main activities of education in the department are talks and lectures on patriotic themes of the history of culture, literature and art of our country, its cultural relations with other peoples and countries, excursions to historical and literary – artistic places, visiting theaters, exhibition centers, museums , tours of cities in Ukraine.

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